Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Case studies: January 15th to 17th 2017 (3rd part)

The two study cases covered partially by the following images were introduced in a first entry, together with the satellite, radar and lightning strike images for January 15th. The same images for January 16th are presented here.
In this entry, satellite, radar and lightning strike images are presented for January 17th.

Lightning strike as detected by Brasildat network within a 180 km radius centered in Campinas can be seen below for that day:

The following images show the CAPPI 3km from Radar São Roque (source CPTEC).

The following images show the VIL values for January 17th.

The following images show the EchoTop 20dBz values for January 17th.

Satellite images from GOES-13 (source CPTEC) for January 17th can be seen below:

GOES visible channel images:

GOES IR channel (highlighted) images:

GOES WV channel images: