Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The SOS Chuva project - Improving the nowcasting of intense thunderstorms and the understanding of the physical processes inside clouds

The SOS Chuva is a multi-institutional project financed by the Sao Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP that aims to develop research in nowcasting of severe thunderstorms based on knowledge about the physical properties of clouds acquired in the CHUVA thematic project. The basis of this research is the dual polarization radar operating in Campinas, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, for 24 months (two wet seasons). This radar will allow to capture intense events that will provide the base for the study of the physical processes inside thunderstorms, aiming at improving predictability in the short term and the detection of severity. 

This project will install hail pads to create a database that will provide information not only on the occurrence of hail, but including components such as precipitation estimation using radar and satellite, electrification, cloud propagation, time rate growth of the volume of some hydrometeors, cloud top growing rates and microphysical processes, this study aims to develop the SIGMA-SOS. The SIGMA SOS is a geographic information system that integrates the measured data as well as short-term forecasts and warnings. 

Brazil bought several dual polarization radars and is still expanding its network of radars to monitor extreme events. However, there is a lack of knowledge about the microphysical process and the interaction of dual polarization radar with the hydrometeors inside the clouds, and this project intends to contribute improving this knowledge and forming students in this area. The interface with agriculture open a new perspective of applications in an important subject in Brazil.