Friday, February 24, 2017

Case study: February 22nd, 2017

A located storm over São Paulo city formed due to the combined effect of strong diurnal heating and the sea breeze effect, causing heavy rains, extensive hail and fast floods (news here, here, here, here, here and here).

Rua da Bela Vista, São Paulo, coberta de granizo na noite de quarta-feira (22), após temporal (Fonte: G1)
In Limeira, a downburst with hail, strong  wind gusts and heavy rain was also registered.

Downburst in Limeira (Fonte: Grupo de tornados de Brasil)

Lightning strike as detected by Brasildat network within a 180 km radius centered in Campinas can be seen below:



The following images show the CAPPI 3km from Radar São Roque (source CPTEC):


The following images show the VIL values:

The following images show the EchoTop 35dBz values:

The following images show the EchoTop 20dBz values:

Satellite images from GOES can be seen below:

GOES visible channel images (source CPTEC):

GOES IR (highlited) channel images (source CPTEC):

GOES WV channel images (source CPTEC):

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